2024 AAPA Fall Workshop
October 18, 2024 (New date)
September 27, 2024
Psychopharmacology for Psychologists 2024
with Dr. Merrill Norton
Dr. Norton is a Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus from the the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy with his specialty areas to include psychopharmacology and addiction pharmacy. He is Past President of the Georgia Addiction Counselors Association and member of both the Georgia Pharmacy Association and the American Pharmacy Association.
Dr. Norton is the President and CEO of Chemical Health Associates, Inc. of Athens, Georgia, a national consulting organization for mental health, alcohol and drug services. He is also a faculty member of the Fairleigh-Dickinson University Postdoctoral Training Program in the Masters of Psychopharmacology, University of Georgia School of Continuing Education, and Berry College in the areas of Psychopharmacology. Dr. Norton is state and nationally certified as an addiction counselor and has just received (2021) the first Certified Master Addiction Counselor( CMAC) from the Georgia Addiction Counselors Association. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium Board and the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certification Board of Georgia has credentialed Dr. Merrill Norton as a Internationally Certified Co-Occurring Disorders Professional Diplomate (ICCDP-D). The ICCDP-D is the highest international credential that can be obtained through IC&RC and ADACB-GA and signifies that the holder has advanced training and experience in Addiction Treatment and is especially aware of ethical, methodological, and research issues associated with the treatment of the co-occurring patient.
State Botanical Garden
Garden Club Terrace Room
2450 S. Milledge Avenue Athens, GA
8:15-8:30 AM Registration & Breakfast
8:30 AM-3:45 PM Workshop
Luncheon: 11:45-12:30 p.m. (included in registration)
Full day attendance 6 CEs (GPA approval for psychologists)
*Refund policy- contact us at least one week before the event to cancel or change your registration. Target audience is psychologists. This workshop will be presented at an introductory level audience.
Contact Shayne Abelkop with questions... drshayne@gmail.com
Upon completion of the workshop, attendees will be able to:
1. Discuss and identify the new drugs used to treat the spectrum of mental disorders.
2. Discuss the most recent advances in drug therapies in mental health and substance use treatment applications.
3. Review the latest research of the neurobiology of esketamine and psychedelics used to treat mental disorders.
4. Describe the use of appropriate medications used in the treatment of child and adolescent mental disorders.
5. Describe the latest gas station drugs, including Xylazine, Kratom, CBD, Fentanyl, and their impact on the human brain.
6. Participants will be able to comprehend the adverse drug effects of Fentanyl, Ketamine, Kratom, Nitazenes, Phenibut, Tianeptine, Wasp Dope, and Xylazine.